Our Sponsorship Levels
Fair Haven Recreation takes sponsorships and donations very seriously and appreciate every single act of help to our program. Listed below are our different sponsorship levels details including prices and incentives, as well as other sponsorship opportunities!
Team Sponsorship:
- Sponsor a sports team for the entire season!
- This sponsorship includes sponsor name on the front of the jerseys AND a sponsor sign displaying both name and logo!
PRICE - $1,000
Tournament Sponsorship: (Tournaments coming soon)
- Sponsor a sports tournament!
- This sponsorship includes the tournament named after the sponsor AND a sponsor sign(s) around the fields displaying name and logo!
Monthly Donation Program:
- Make donations to the Recreation Program by month!
- No long-term commitment needed, just pay at the start of each month.
- Donations are much appreciated and will be very helpful to our program!
PRICE - $20+/month
If your company or a company you know is interested in any sponsorship type, please contact the Fair Haven Recreation Director:
Email - fhsummerrec@gmail.com
Phone - 860-920-9667
Town Hall - 3 N Park PL, Fair Haven, VT